Our desires often do not manifest at the click of our fingers.
For some of our dreams and goals, the process takes a little longer and often, within what I call the “manifestation gap”, the doubt and fear can start to kick in.
It’s tempting to want to hurry the process, but trying to force the outcome can actually delay your dreams even further, so here is what to do instead.
Ask yourself: “How is this wait serving me?” – know that the delay between asking for what you want and receiving it is there FOR YOU.
Whilst it may be annoying to have to wait for your desires, the gap often teaches us certain things about ourselves and give us an opportunity to experience incredible breakthroughs that help us become the women we are meant to be.
My own biggest “A-Ha!” moments have often come in the times where it felt like things have been going incredibly slow or not working in my favour.
Are there any underlying beliefs you possess that contradict your desires? We cannot get what we want whilst simultaneously holding on to beliefs that go against our goals.
So lets say your desire is around manifesting a certain income goal, yet you are still holding onto a deep rooted belief that it is greedy to be money motivated, this belief can actually block your desires from appearing.
You will need to change any beliefs that go against the reality you want to create.
Have you fallen into the “working hard” trap?
Often, when our desires don’t show up straight away, it can lead us to believe we aren’t trying hard enough and that if we just show up more, do more, be more, what we want will arrive.
This can quickly slip into a hustle mode mentality which for many women, simply doesn’t feel good. Burning ourselves out to achieve our goals puts us out of alignment with them.
It lowers our vibration and therefore we block the desire from showing up.
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