Follow the three things super successful entrepreneurs do at the weekend and never feel the remorse of Monday morning again!
They exercise
Rather than lounging in your pajamas for the whole weekend saying to themselves they deserve it(!) they get up and exercise – whether this is continuing the morning jog that you do during the week or meeting up with friends for a tennis match – being active will increase their natural endorphins and mean come Monday you will be feeling full of energy.
They switch off
FOMO is real but the beauty of switching off is though it may be hard, to begin with you, it is amazing how quickly you get used to not be connected and start to enjoy the here and now.
They make time for themselves
If you’ve been killing it in the office during the week, the weekend can be your time to catch up with friends and family. Though this is super important make sure you keep some time for yourself to sit in stillness. Keep your morning meditation routine going or combine it with your solo run – to be completely at one with nature without any distractions.
What else do you think you can do on the weekend to make sure you are feeling 100% come Monday for both yourself and your business?