Where in life are you settling for less than what you really desire because you don’t believe what you REALLY want is possible for you?
Or maybe you don’t even know what it is you really desire because you haven’t given yourself permission to think that big.
Huge lofty goals whilst can be exciting, can also be petrifying because we are SO afraid of failure.
In fact, most people will AVOID even contemplating huge goals because they are far more concerned about what could go wrong rather than focusing on what could go right.
How many opportunities could you be missing out on because your mind daren’t go there?
In The Clique, we teach our students how to start expanding their minds to beyond what feels safe and comfortable and to create goals and a vision for life that truly makes their heart sing.
Admitting what you really want and then committing to actually going for it can feel scary but here’s the thing….
Fear is neutralised by taking ACTION towards the thing you are afraid of.
When you leap into action towards your goals, that thing that once seemed scary no longer is as daunting.
Think of a first time skydiver. Before they leap out of plane they feel petrified but once they’ve taken that leap and land safely on the ground, more often than not they are filled with so much adrenaline and excitement, they want to do it all again.
The fear they once had is gone and in its place, a sense of accomplishment and exhilaration.
The scariest bit is always that first leap and once you jump you realise that things weren’t as bad as you initially imagined it to be.
If you are ready to take the leap and start giving yourself permission to create the freedom, abundance and impact you desire as a coach, then sign up to our latest masterclass which will teach you how to become a full time coach within the next six months.
To register, click the link below and select a time that works for you.
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