These five incredibly healing crystals can help you become financially free by attracting unlimited prosperity and wealth….
Peridot – using the crystals to mediate with helps to clear your mind and it has a unique ability to increase the frequency of the wearer to that of the universal code to attract wealth
Citrine – known as the “merchant’s stone of wealth” this stone is ideal for people looking for success in personal business and careers. It brings good luck in addition to prosperous new deals to your business.
Topaz – a powerful and healing gemstone it is highly beneficial to those striving to attract wealth. The crystal has the power to manifest your strongest plans through the power of will.
Green Aventurine – the stone of good luck. Crystal for good luck originates from the Latin work Aventura – meaning chance.
Jade – as a growth crystal it attracts money that keeps growing! It is wonderful to use when you need clarity on important decisions of investing money.
Each of these crystals for money, prosperity and success work in a unique way to bring you the wealth and abundance you are seeking. Combining the energy of these stones with own intention is the most impactful way to open your life to receiving the generous flow of wealth and abundance