In the quest for keeping our vibe high, sometime we can suppress negative emotions below the surface.
Whilst we need to give more energy to positive thoughts than we do to negative, complete emotional avoidance can do more harm than good.
Releasing of those negative emotions can actually feel amazing.
Think about when you have a good old cry.
The emotion you feel at the time may be one of sadness, but later that is replaced by the feeling of release.
Its a cathartic experience.
Afterwards, we feel much better.
When we hold onto these negative emotions by pushing them below the surface, we create blocks of negative energy that can cause us to resist our desires without us even realising it.
Instead of denying our feelings, when they arise, give yourself time to process them. Take yourself to your sacred space and allow yourself to experience the full depth of your feelings without judgement or shame.
Angry? Punch a pillow.
Sad? Have a good old cry.
When you get used to numbing your negative feelings, you also start to numb yourself to the positive ones too.
But when you consciously feel your negative emotions, you deepen the connection you have with yourself and you also allow yourself to feel more deeply the positive emotions that are they key to bringing more positive experiences into your life