The qualities of a great coach, healer or spiritual teacher
If you are thinking about stepping into the coaching industry but are unsure whether or not the path is for you or if you’d be good at it, we have come up with some of the key qualities that make an amazing coach, healer or spiritual teacher.
A strong intuition.
Your intuition is your super power as a coach as it can help you tune into a person and help guide you towards what may be holding them back and what they best action steps are for them moving forwards. You often need to be able to look beyond what a client are telling you at face value and recognise where there may be something else going on below the surface.
Your intuition will also serve you well within your business and will help you make the right decisions for you and your growing company.
An excellent communicator
You need to be able to share your message in a powerful and authentic way that resonates with your audience and motivates them to take action.
Be passionate about working on yourself.
The best coaches understand that you have to be working on yourself in order to be able to show up as the best version of you for your clients. You need to walk your walk and embrace the tools and the guidance that you share with your clients within your own life.
Honesty and a willingness to call a client out on their BS.
A client isn’t looking for a friend who will listen to them and reassure them that everything will be ok. They are looking for someone who isn’t going to call them out on their BS and lay down some hard truths where needed.
Yes, this is sometimes uncomfortable, but often this is what is required to take your client to the next level.
A client’s journey won’t always be plain sailing. Sometimes, it may take longer to get your clients to where they want to go and they may face numerous setbacks along the way.
You are on this journey with them and you have to not let these setbacks derail you.