Money mindset has played a massive part of my own entrepreneurial journey.
Having spent a lot of my twenties in a vicious cycle of debt and struggling to get myself out of it, I was adamant that external circumstances were to blame.
London is expensive.
I don’t get paid enough.
What I failed to realise was that my financial situation was largely due to my own internal programming about money, including subconscious money beliefs and limiting beliefs about my own self worth.
This money blueprint was actually a huge reason why my bank balance did not reflect the number I wanted to see.
Coming into my business, I discovered the importance of your mindset in order to generate wealth and realised that to change my outer world financially, I would need to start with changing my inner world.
Here is a simple six step process to this work-
Get clear on what money you would like to manifest and what that money would be used for. The more specific you can be here the better.
Simply stating “I want to be rich” is not enough. You need to let The Universe know what that figure is and, more importantly, how you will use that money once you receive it.
Identify what money beliefs are currently keeping you stuck. Your beliefs create your reality so it is important that whatever you believe about money matches the reality you want to create for yourself.
The first part to this process is figuring out what is going on for you both at a conscious and subconscious level.
Some of your negative money beliefs you may be aware of but others may be hidden in your sub-conscious mind. It’s these beliefs that are dangerous as if they remain hidden, it is impossible to do the work to change them.
Transform your limiting money beliefs and replace with a new set of money beliefs that match the reality you want to create. We manifest money based upon what we believe.
So let’s say you believe “making money is hard work”, this is what you will create in your reality. To change this reality, you must change the belief so that your new belief is “making money is easy”.
This is where various coaching tools such as NLP can be used. The beauty of NLP is that even some of the most stubborn, deep rooted sub-conscious beliefs can be transformed in a short period of time.
Raise your vibration so that you match the frequency of wealth. Just as our beliefs shape our reality, so does our energy. We are a magnet to the things we are a vibrational match to.
If you want to manifest more wealth, you will need to pay attention to your energy, specifically how you feel.
If you feel broke, you will create more scarcity and lack. Abundance comes from the feeling abundant first.
Take inspired action. You can’t just sit in an empty room and expect money to fall into your lap. Manifesting is a process of co-creating. You and The Universe have to work together.
You have to take action BUT, it must be action that maintains your high vibration. It has to be action that feels good and expansive to you, action that keeps you in alignment.
Surrender to the process. Once you’ve done steps 1-5, it’s now time to hand things over to The Universe by letting go, trusting that you will receive exactly what you are meant to receive at exactly the right moment you are meant to receive it.
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