Self love is not just about bubble baths and mani/pedis.
Whilst those things are lovely, true self love goes much deeper than this.
True self love is a process of inner discovery, identifying what you really want and allowing yourself to go for it unapologetically.
True self love is about silencing your inner mean girl so that you can be, do and have anything you desire.
True self love is about transforming your energy so you feel amazing on the inside.
True self love is about acknowledging every part of you and allowing your true self to be seen and heard without fear or judgement.
Below we explore some of our favourite self love practices to help you unleash your inner goddess.
- Embrace your emotions – Self love doesn’t need to always look like rainbows and unicorns. It’s important that we don’t deny out emotions, even the negative ones. Acknowledging when you are hurting is not a weakness, but a necessary part of the healing process. Sometimes, self love may look like punching a pillow, screaming in a field or having a good cry. It’s important to let those negative emotions out rather than suppressing them below the surface.
- Allow yourself to dream big by asking yourself “what would I do if failure wasn’t an option?” Write down anything that comes up for you. So often we set our goals based upon what is realistic but true self love is about opening up your mind to what is possible for you.
- Start saying “no” to the people and things that don’t light you up. Self love is about setting proper boundaries and understanding what does and does not deserve your time and energy. If you said “no” to something, what would it allow you more time for? What could you do with that time that would be beneficial to you? It’s not selfish, it’s called self care! Remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup so it’s important you carve out adequate boundaries to make sure your own needs are being served.
- Speak your truth – so often we hold back from speaking our minds because of fear of being judged or criticised or offending others. Self love is about allowing your authentic self to be heard. How have you been holding yourself back recently and what can you do this week to make sure what you need to say is said?
- Carry Rose Quartz – This crystal stimulates compassion and increases your ability to love yourself. Carry around with you at all times.
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