Getting clarity on your desires is super important for manifesting what you want. In order for The Universe to deliver its gifts, you have to let The Universe know what it is you’d like to receive and be as specific as possible with that.
So many women however struggle with getting clarity on what they really want and if this is you, here are five things that may help:
Ask yourself: “How do I want to feel?”. So often, we place the focus on what we physically want when really, we should be asking ourselves: “how do I want to feel?”.
The reason why we want anything really is to feel good, so it’s important on what those feel good feelings would be for you, and then work backwards to identify what things would help you create those feelings.
Use a vision board – this is a visual representation of your desires.
I like to use Pinterest to create digital versions of my boards that I can keep on my phone and access at any time. It’s important that as you look at your desires, you imagine yourself already in possession of them.
Rather than seeing the vision board as a list of hopes or wishes, imagine the board to reflect what you already have in your life to create the feeling of already having your desires.
It is from this place that your desires are able to manifest.
Identifying where you are going along with what you feel you “should” be doing or where you are settling. It is important to realise where you are not being true to yourself and your own authentic wants. It’s easy to set goals based upon what feels realistic or what we believe is expected of us, rather than following our own hearts.
A good way to identify if a certain desire truly lights you up is to tune into your physical body and see how it responds. Bring the desire to the forefront of your mind and ask yourself “How would it feel if I had this” then pay attention to the sensations.
Does it feel exciting and expansive, or constrictive?
Listen to your gut reaction.
Journal on your desires – Write out the question “what do I really want?” at the top of a page and spend some time allowing your pen to flow over the paper and write down whatever words or phrases come up for you.
Doodling can also help bring some of the subconscious desires to the surface.
Don’t worry about anything making sense at this stage. Also, it’s important that no one sees this so you don’t filter yourself in anyway. This is for your eyes only.
Clarity coaching – One of the first things we teach our students inside The Clique Academy is how to conduct powerful clarity coaching sessions.
These sessions involve a series of quick fire questions where the client is encouraged to speak from the heart, without overthinking things.
This helps the client come up with desires that reflect their authentic selves.
The questions are designed to encourage a client to choose goals free from fears, doubts or family/society expectations.
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