Gratitude is a magnet for miracles and is something that should form a part of your daily ritual in order to raise your vibration and manifest more abundance into your life.
Below, we explore some of our favourite ways to practice gratitude.
Turn gossip into gratitude – When catching up with friends, how often do you find yourself having a moan about work/relationships/money?
Next time you catch up, try changing the dialogue by everyone stating one thing they’ve been grateful for that week. It’s amazing how much better you will all feel because of it!
Recognise every tiny gift – The Universe is constantly sending you reasons to be grateful, yet so often we ignore them.
If you want to receive more abundance in your life, you have to start paying attention to where The Universe is already supporting you. Find a penny? Pick it up and thank The Universe!
Manage to get the last parking space in the car park? Thank The Universe! The more thanks you give, even for the tiny stuff, the more you will receive.
Go on a gratitude walk – Take yourself out in nature and give thanks to everything that is around you. Give thanks to the trees, the grass, the birds, the fresh air.
We have so much around us every day to be grateful for, yet these things are often overlooked.
Give thanks to the things you want as if you already have them. You don’t need to just focus on the things you already have as part of your gratitude practice.
In addition, thank The Universe for all of your desires, imagining that they are already in possession.
Stating things such as “I’m so grateful I’ve a successful business” even if you are not there yet, helps you create the feeling of already having your desires and it is from this place, you are able to manifest your desires more effortlessly into your life.
At the end of each day, write what you were most grateful for that day on a piece of paper and put it into a jar. At the end of the month, go through the jar and read through all of your blessings for that month.
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