Real self-care isn’t putting on a facemask and watching a chick flick. Real self-care sustains you, it brings you tranquillity, a space to breath from the outside world and allows you to reconnect with yourself. It is sacred and should be a non-negotiable aspect of your life.
Here are our tips for setting up a space dedicated to your self-care:
1# Choose a space
This could be in your bathroom, a table in your living room or even your bedside table. Try to choose it near to a window so you can benefit from the natural light and where you can have a lovely breeze on a sunny day. Clean the area deeply and remove any clutter. We like the ritualistic process of burning sage to cleanse the environment and to set the intention that this is your sacred space.
2# Decorate
Now that you have a clear and cleansed area it is time to decorate! Maybe you will add a pretty cloth to put your items on or leave the beauty of the wood to be seen. Trays are a great way to organize and also bring in detail to the area. Candles bring beautiful soft light and scent. This would be a great spot for your favorite crystals to be kept as well. Before you place anything in the area, hold each item and see if you feel joy and lightness in your heart. Only place items that bring these feelings to you.
3# Add sacred self-care items
This is unique to you. Maybe it is the burning of incense, crystals that you use for your daily mediation (we would highly recommend rose quartz placed on your forehead while meditating in the morning to bring calm to your day). Books truly are sacred, so why not keep a selection you love here. It would also be a wonderful place to keep your journal as well.
4# Daily habit
Set an intention to be in your sacred space at least once a day. It helps to set a time each day so you can incorporate it into your daily routine i.e. first thing in the morning or just before bed.
Utilize your new beautiful sacred space – it is your retreat from the world. Keep it in your heart and know that when life becomes overwhelming (as it inevitably does sometimes) your sacred space is there for you to find reprieve from the world.